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– Nelson Mandela

2 Universities

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Peer Review 1

Peer Review 1

Q Peer-Review #1: Community Genre Analysis (10 points) Guidelines for the Writer: Here is the prompt for Module 2: Community Genre Analysis (CGA): Students will identify two distinct texts in different genres (written, visual, and/or oral) created by their organization or related to their selected issue. Students will write an explanatory genre analysis of the two texts and how they operate rhetorically. Students will engage in peer review activities during the writing process. *Remember to select a Typography/Written as the mandatory genre and one of the other two: Iconography/Visual or Audio/Oral as your second genres. What should be in your Community Genre Analysis draft? Make sure to examine each selected genre and answer the following: Audience and purpose: Provide a brief introduction to the topic/issue that the two genres will examine. Describe each genre, including the type of genre? (Remember one of the genres should be typography (written) and the other should be either an Iconography (Visual) or Audio (Oral) based. Who is the intended audience or discourse community? What is the purpose of the information presented in the genre? How does the audience tie in with the purpose? Rhetorical Issues: How does the rhetorical situation convey the message to the selected communities? (Refer to EAA p. 69). How does the genre help establish credibility (or attempt to establish) its credibility with the audience? What types of evidence or rational information are used to support claims? How does the genre’s author connect to the community the genre is addressing? Structure and delivery: How is the information organized to convey the genre’s message? Does the structure of the genre facilitate its purpose? Conclusion and synthesis: (Reflection) Do you think the two genres achieved its purpose? If not, why not? Do you think the two genres were effective in conveying the message? Offer final comments on the impact of the genre used to impact the discourse of a community, the targeted discourse community, or communities the genre(s) impact(s). Format: Use APA for this assignment and remember to include a Reference page. Use Grammarly (free version) to check for low order concerns. Word count: 800-900 words, or roughly four double-spaced pages (more is fine). As a reminder, you are the writer, and you frame this discussion through your own lens of what genre means in the selected types of genres you have viewed. It is up to you to make a convincing argument for why you have decided to analyze the genre in this way. Guidelines for Reader (Peer-Reviewing): Between Thursday to Friday review at least two of your classmates' documents using the following criteria, which will also be used as rubric for scoring the work. Format: First come first serve. Only review those student drafts that are missing reviews. (Need to review at least two of your classmates’ drafts). Make sure to address the person whose work you are reviewing and introduce yourself that you will be reviewing their work. Remember be professional when conducting the peer-review session. Here is what you the reader (peer-reviewer) should address: • Does the writer provide an introduction describing the topic/ issue that the two genres will examine? • Does the writer describe each genre, including the type of genre? (Remember one of the genres should be typography (written) and the other should be either an Iconography (Visual) or Audio (Oral) based. • Does the writer state who is the audience for the selected two genres? • Does the writer discuss the position of the argument of the selected genres? If there is no argument made, what can be implied by the genre(s)? • Does the writer discuss the role of community within each genre? • Does the writer discuss what information in each of the selected genres might be important? • Add anything else that you want the writer to know about the submitted draft for review. Writer: Make the suggested changes to your draft and upload a final revised draft on Sunday at the end of week four, in the Module 2: Community Genre Analysis Final in the Assignment drop box.

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In this paper, I would like to present genre analysis of two texts belonging to entirely two different categories. The first one, famous poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost belongs to the genre of poetry and the other one is the Steve Jobs 2005 speech at Stanford’s Commencement. While among these two, the first one belong to the typography or written category, the second one however belongs to the audio genre. Both written and audio content tends to have significant impact on the minds of the readers and the listeners.